Safety Locksmith NYC


Types Of Window Gates And How To Get Them Installed In NYC

Since the era of palaces and mansions, windows have played a very important role in elevating the curb appeal of any architectural marvel built. No matter if you are an aesthetic lover, an architecture lover, or are into romantic novels or songs, we are sure that you share our love for windows. And as we move on to the new times, so do the window gate designs providing plenty of choices for you to get the perfect window for your home. 

Today, window gates have become an accessory that you can add to your home or office windows to give the structures a personal touch. And if you are someone looking for the perfect window gates to boost your home’s overall look, here is everything you should know about window gates. 

What Are Window Gates?

Window gates/ security screens/ or window guards, you may know them by different names, but their only work is to protect your homes and offices. These are the best-known solutions to make your properties feel safer and more secure. The window gates are made in many different styles and sizes to offer you complete security and aesthetic appeal. These gates ensure you get the best of both worlds without compromise. The most common window gates involve guard locks and are used for single-sized windows. 

Today you will find window gates that are more decorative and fancy which will make your gates and windows look more artistic. Or you can choose simpler window gates to give your home a more modern and minimalistic touch.   

What Are The Various Types Of Window Gates?

When choosing the window gate, make sure you are selecting the one that matches your home’s exteriors and interiors and is made using high-quality metal because these window gates will add a personal touch to your home and increase its beauty from the outside while increasing its safety. 

Initials Or Family Crest

When you plan to add new window gates to your windows, you don’t have to stick to the basic iron rod window gates. You can always customize them and create one with your initials on them. For instance, you may have seen gates of big homes or bungalows with cursive initials.

Similarly, you can create a window gate with your initials in cursive writing. You can add these window gates on all your windows, or you can use them as a statement piece and add them in the places where they will be more visible. It will give your home a personalized look and appeal while keeping it safe.  

Windowed Wine Cellars

A wine cellular is a very luxurious addition to any home. It is a touch of luxury and opulence to any home. So, if you are creating a wine cellar or wine room in your house, you must protect it from everywhere. Especially if your wine cellar has a window visible on the outside, you wouldn’t want anybody to steal your precious wine now, right? So, to keep your wine safe, you can add window gates to your wine cellar window. 

You can choose windows gates with interesting designs or use the basic wrought-finished iron bars to give it a more traditional or rustic look. 

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Multi-Panel Ironwork

A multi-panel ironwork is also a good choice if you are looking for something that will cover multiple windows, but combining all of it will create a beautiful design. You can get your window gates custom-built to achieve this look. These window gates will give your home a completely new and unique look. Furthermore, you can create designs that match your home’s architecture and style. It will create a flowing design that is different from all the others.  

Iron Shutters

Iron shutters or swing window gates are the perfect blends of both style and versatility. These window gates are perfect for big windows. This style of window gates is not fixed, so you can open and close the gates manually. Moreover, you can choose the design of your window gates and customize them. You can opt for floral, geometric, mosaic, or vine designs.

Central Baroque Blossoms

Central baroque-style window gates have been in use for years now. The baroque style is about attracting the viewer’s attention to the center of the window. The center of the window gates generally features intricate patterns and styles that are perfect for any house. Flowers, vines, and curves are the highlights of this style. These windows are elegant, stylish, and perfect for keeping your home safe. 

Curling Leaves And Vines 

Vines and curls are amongst the favorite styles of window gates. Window gates with floral and vine designs offer complete security to your window and homes. You can go all out with these styles of window grills, or you can select the one with floral or vine borders and plain iron bar fencing style in the middle area. With these window gates, you can add a more elegant and soft touch to your home design.  

Framing Baroque Corners

One way you can create a more spacious look for your window is through the installation of half-window grills. You can use window grills with baroque-style corners to add an ornate design to regular iron bar grills. The style is perfect for a minimalistic look and window fencing.  

What Are The Benefits Of Window Gate Installation? 

Window gates or window grills have several different benefits, including

  • Security– With the crime rate increasing day by day, you require something that protects your home, your family, and all your important assets. Window gates avoid the entrance of burglars through the windows of your home. 
  • Aesthetic– Window gates are also known for adding a decorative element to the house. They will give your house a new and unique look. It will make your home stand out from the rest of the houses. 
  • Toddler Safety– If you have young children or toddlers in your home, you need window gates to keep them from falling through the window.   

Why Should You Use A Professional For Window Gate Installation?

When you want to add window gates to your home, you should always use a professional’s help. A professional will give you the best results and ensure that the window gate is completely secure. 

Accurate Fit & Measurement

When you use a professional for the installation of your window gate, you get a proper measurement and fitting service. The experts take proper window measurements before fitting the window gate to ensure that it is safely fitted and sealed to avoid any mishaps later. 

Quality Window Product

When you choose a professional for your window gate making and customization, you get products that are made using high-quality materials and are a perfect fit for your windows. They understand the needs of the customer and ensure that they create products that offer complete security. 

Stress-Free Installation Process 

A professional installation service is necessary to ensure that all your work is done perfectly and in a timely manner. It avoids any kind of damage to the structure of your window or home. Installation services by a professional also help you avoid any kind of hassle. 

The Best Window Gates Installation Service Provider

If you want to install window gates in NYC and need a professional, then contact Safety Locksmith. We have professionals who can take care of all your home requirements and efficiently finish all the work with professionalism and expert skills. On top of providing the best service, we also provide high-quality window gates that will take your home appeal to a new level. To get in touch with us, you can mail us at   


Thinking about the best way to safeguard your home without compromising the appeal of the house? If yes, safeguard your home with the help of window gates today. These are made to protect your home from robbers and childproof it. Furthermore, you can customize your window gates so you can choose a style that matches your home’s exterior and style. 

At Safety Locksmith, we have experts who can help you with your window gate installation and customization project. All our products are made using high-quality materials, so once you install our window gate, you don’t have to think about it again. 

To avail of our services, contact us today at 212-534-7547

Types Of Window Gates And How To Get Them Installed In NYC

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