Safety Locksmith NYC


How Can A Car Locksmith Help And Save The Day?

Locked out of your car? No need to feel embarrassed; you are among the thousands of individuals who experience that situation daily. The number might be just a daily average. Still, it is an indication of how common the occurrence of lockouts in the United States is.   

What Types Of Keys Can A Car Locksmith Help With?

A car locksmith also has a set of keys that they specialize in dealing with. These types of keys are as follows: 

Mechanically-cut Keys

These are simple metallic keys with not much security and are common in older car models. The cars that make use of these types of keys have a low level of security. People have to upgrade these keys with a security system installation. 

Laser-cut Keys

This type is an upgrade to mechanically cut keys and varies only in the method of crafting the key. It uses a laser to give shape to the key. These keys are more secure than the former, even without the upgrades. 

Smart Keys

This type of car key contains RFID sensors which are similar in concept to Near Field communication. The feature of smart keys is that it provides easy activation to the engine as well as the doors of the vehicle. You can get more out of these keys. However, it would also depend on the car’s make and model. Also, you need to be in the transmission range to engage with the lock system. All you need to do is push the start button of the key to start the ignition.  

When Would You Need Help From A Car Locksmith?

Lockouts can happen to anyone at any time. However, instead of panicking or trying out things yourself, it would be much better to call a professional. There are many situations where you would need help from a car locksmith. Some of these situations are as follows: 

The Door Gets Closed With Keys Inside The Car

This situation is a common one in which you get locked out of the car, and the key gets left inside. You will become unable to open the door, and without the key, you may feel helpless. To get out of that situation, you would either need a spare key or a car locksmith who can unlock the door. It is likely that you do not have a spare (since most people don’t). Thus calling an expert car locksmith remains the sole solution to the problem. 

Lost Keys

Another common situation where people usually call for a car locksmith is when their car key gets lost, and they need a duplicate. Now, the reason for losing a key can be anything. However, what matters more is that you get back access to the vehicle, and for that, you would need duplicate keys. 

Damaged Keys

There are a few instances where the key gets broken or damaged. It will ultimately make it difficult to insert the key, ultimately leading to an inaccessible door. Car locksmiths also provide repairs to the car keys. You will just have to provide some technical details related to the car, and the professional locksmith will reach the destination. Also, you can get a repair to the car lock, in case of damage.    

You Are Locked Inside The Car

Have you ever had someone locked inside the car? Well, the situation is rare and happens when children are inside the car. If you have small children with you, it is better to prevent that by leaving someone to look after them. However, if the lockout does happen, call for a car locksmith immediately, as the situation can get worse and can be harmful to the child as well. 

Car Trunk is Not Opening 

Another situation that can happen is when you have things stuffed inside the trunk, and it does not open. A professional car locksmith has various tools to unlock the trunk in a clean manner. 

How Does A Car Locksmith Help? 

Have you ever wondered about how locksmiths open car locks and what tools they use? Let’s have a look at how a car locksmith is able to open car locks so easily. 

Slim Jim 



It is a tool that is common to every car locksmith, which also helps in opening car locks. The usage of the tool is between the window glass and the weather stripping of your car. A car locksmith inserts this tool into the car to reach the car lock and open it. The process may sound simple, but an error in the process can lead to damage to the electrical system or the disabling of airbags. 

Key Reprogramming 


Unlocking car doors with programming has become prevalent with the rising number of keyless entry systems. An experienced car locksmith understands the programming behind these entry systems and uses that knowledge to reprogram the lock. It also ensures that there is no damage to your vehicle. 

Broken Key Extractor 


A damaged or worn-out key has the chance of breaking inside the lock. This situation is very complicated and can damage the lock as well. In such cases, car locksmiths make use of a key extractor to pull the key out of the lock. 

J and L Tools 


Another tool that many locksmiths use is the J and L tool. The tool, however, is not much relevant in current times as it works on older car locks. 

The J tool lifts the unlock button by reaching the car door and then releasing it. The L tool also works in a similar way but is more specific with the cars it can work with. It would be very rare to see the tools working in the newer car models. 

Re-flashing Immobilizer   


Sometimes, an immobilizer in the car which also deters theft, can be the one causing the issue. It usually prevents the car from starting when someone tries to steal it. However, when it becomes defective, it may also stop you from starting the car. In this situation, a car locksmith would be the safer option to choose. They are experts who can easily deal with this issue. Programming of the lock is a way they deal with this. 

3 Things That A Car Locksmith Provides  

A professional car locksmith does more than just open the lock of the car. You can get them to remove damaged or broken keys, get spare or duplicate keys or their repair. They can also change and repair the locks. To summarize, the major responsibilities of a car locksmith are as follows:

  • Unlocking the door
  • Repairing or replacing broken or damaged keys
  • Get your duplicate and spare keys.

Apart from these responsibilities, a car locksmith can repair the ignition switches as well. Usually, the problem with ignition occurs due to the cylinder where you insert the key. If the problem seems tedious, the locksmith may change the entire ignition system. 

Expert car locksmiths can also deal with car locks in a similar way they handle keys. So, whatever the situation with your car lock or key may be, always rely on a car locksmith. 

How Much Will It Cost To Hire A Car Locksmith? 

There is no fixed cost of a car locksmith as it depends on various factors such as

  • Your location and the location of the locksmith
  • Experience and reputation of the locksmith service provider
  • Time and Difficulty of the Task  

These factors determine the average cost of a car locksmith, which is in the range of $50-$100 for an hour. The hourly charges can rise by up to $20-$30. This cost is common for unlocking the car. If there is a need for a complete lock change, then the cost of hiring would be in the range of $75-$125 on average. 

Below is the cost distribution of the car locksmith service.    

  • The maximum cost of a complete lock change can go up to $200 but is usually in complex locks. 
  • Rekeying of vehicles can cost in the range of $50-$300. However, the cost is more likely to be at the lower end of the price range. 
  • Getting a new or duplicate key can cost you about $10-$150, depending on the type of key. 
  • The cost for change of the ignition switch is a minimum average cost of $150. The cost can go as high as $300 for high-end cars. 

Best Car Locksmith Service In NYC

Are you looking for one of the best car locksmith providers in NYC? Worry not; Safety Locksmith is the name that people rely on whenever they are stuck in a car lockout. We have years of experienced locksmiths who are capable of handling even the most complicated car locks. Our locksmiths are available at any time of the day to provide emergency services. If you ever get stuck in a car lockout, reach out to our service for a quick resolution. 

How Can A Car Locksmith Help And Save The Day?

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